Monday 15th January 2024

It's snowed in the night, but it wasn't awful. Certainly not bad enough for the schools to close, so the boy had to stir himself and get up for the bus. The road down to the bus stop was very slippy, and the bus was a bit late, but he made it in. He had an English exam this morning. It went well, apparently. Literature paper fitted well with The Great Gatsby, and a Carol Ann Duffy poem, while close reading was about tattoos. Latin on Thursday.

I had a lot of housework and laundry to catch up on - usual Monday things. I cleaned out the fridge and it wasn't as bad a job as it usually is. I've been really quite dilligent at using up what food I have and being a bit more creative. I only had to dispose of a couple of pots of yogurt and one of cream which had been lost at the back of something else, some forgotten grapes, and a jar of bought salsa that no-one liked so went quietly out of date.

I ordered some tree saplings from a local nursery - mostly to go along the front of the croft as a windbreak, but also to create a couple of wee stands here and there. I'm excited about that. I also watched a video by Lovely Greens, where she built a dead hedge. I'm definitely going to do that over at the far corner where the big polycrub is.

I took a wander over there before lunch, and everything is a bit sluggish. It should perk up in the next couple of weeks when the light improves.

In the potting shed, though, the flower seedlings are all looking lush - especially the wallflowers. I need to get them potted on and hardened off, but possibly not this week.

Dinner was stovies made with the end of yesterday's roast. I put a couple of carrots in, because, as I said, I'm using stuff up as I go.

Not much else - tv and sock knitting. I finished the foot of the sock, so just the toe to do, then second sock to start. I did sign up for a mystery Lent knit-a-long, run by a Methodist Church in Bristol, so that's something to look forward to.

Saturday 13th January 2024

It would have been my mother's birthday today. I have quite a run of them in early January - or used to, anyway. They always came so soon after Christmas that they would catch me out. She would have been eighty-seven.

I went to the women's prayer group this morning. What an absolute joy it was to spend time with these amazing women. More than thirty came today, which is quite incredible given where we are, and that we have only been going for five months. Prayer is so powerful, but when there are many of us joining together, then the effects are even stronger. Today our theme was Unity in the body of Christ (the church). We sang, listened, prayed, laughed, wept and prayed some more. God was with us.

I came home and after lunch I went into the garden. I had to force myself out, as I was feeling lazy. Once I got the wellies on, though, I soon got going. I tidied up a bit, planted up two pots of bulbs and a bed of garlic. I'm conscious of how late I am, but I'm not too bothered. All over instagram people are sowing leeks, onions and tomatoes, but I'll get to that eventually. We’re getting snow in the next day or so anyway - no rush.

Came in, lit the fire and made a generic chicken curry for dinner, which we enjoyed. We sat and watched the Newcastle v Man City game - it was really good. Man City just pipped it at the end, winning 3-2. The boy was thrilled because his favourite player came off the bench and scored. He then got an assist, which is apparently almost as important as scoring now. What do I know?

Saturday 18th February 2023

It was such a lovely day. Frosty morning, turning into warm sunshine - almost spring-like.

I wandered around the croft and garden, inspecting the flowering bulbs and the trees, watered the polycrubs, and picked up some litter. Making plans…

Later on we had a wee fire outside, and sat around, eating blood oranges, throwing the peel into the fire. We stayed out until 6 o’clock as it was still light.

Then we came in and lit the inside fire and had a late tea. I’ve sat up far too late knitting on the lace border of a shawl.

Its been a good day.

Sunday 23rd October 2022

My maternal Grandmother's birthday - she was born 124 years ago today, in Edinburgh. It's quite a thought, that timespan. It seems no time at all that she was in my life - an important daily part of it, and then, by the time I was 16, she was gone. Yet, she is still here in my memories, in my cooking, my knitting, my love for flowery aprons and my middle name. I like that.

I’ve been thinking about Lesley's comment about Bake Off, on my last post. I've really not been invested in it at all - the spark has gone. It's the same with Strictly Come Dancing - all very meh. I wonder if it's because we have been living with the relentless daily soap opera of Westminster since the summer. The trouble is, we can't switch off from that and the consequences of their dramas are very real and far reaching. A light entertainment TV show that has been obviously edited and manipulated to create drama, seems very tame in comparison to what we are living through right now, and yet it provides no respite for our fraying nerves. Not sure if that makes any sense, but I know what I mean. It's an awful situation, borne of selfishness and narcissism, aided by a weak and gullible media.

I’m almost finished my second sock - working my way down the foot. The boy is back boxing tomorrow so I might get it finished then. I think I might cast on a hat next.

I’ve picked up The Brothers Karamazov again. I started it at the beginning of the year, but then the war between Russia and Ukraine started, and I lost the notion for it.

Obviously nothing has changed in that situation, and has even got worse, but I really felt drawn to reading it again. It is superb. Dostoevsky's understanding of the human condition is just incredible, and I am loving every sentence.

Nice weekend. It was a big UFC fight night, on Saturday and at a decent time for us, so we were able to enjoy it live. Popcorn, snacks and a wee glass of white burgundy for me. Lovely evening.

Tuesday 18th October 2022

Beautiful day here today. Crisp, cold, misty morning, with a touch of frost, lifting into a warm still day. Washing hung out and dried, doors and windows opened and just a general feeling of wellbeing all around.

We went into town this morning - gym sessions for us both, then a quick shop and I picked up my new glasses from the opticians. Met a friend in Tesco that I hadn't seen for ages, so we had a speedy catch up.

Home and a late lunch, tidy up then a wee potter outside, until dusk and time to light the fire.

Dinner was steak, mushrooms and onions, with a salad- later than usual, then TV and general chat. Just watched Bake Off - it's going as I predicted at the beginning. Strictly is the same - all so managed now. Still enjoyable enough I suppose.

Forecast is for another good day tomorrow, so I'm planning a pretty full shift in the garden. Looking forward to that.

Sunday 16th October 2022

Sunday night already. Even though it's the school holidays now, there is still that sense of ending and regret, as Monday morning looms.

Mind you, I've just been watching an evening of T S Eliot on BBC4, which included an amazing performance by Ralph Fiennes, of the Four Quartets. Stunning, but melancholic, so probably added to the feeling. All those endings and beginnings and still points.

I almost finished my sock, while watching it.

I ended up with a few errands to run on Friday and got back late in the afternoon so didn't have much time to do anything else.

Saturday afternoon, however, was glorious, and I spent most of it doing some work on the gate to the croft. This was a prime position from which to chat to anyone who went past, and, as it was such a nice day, I had several pleasant conversations over the fence.

Today was the usual quiet Sunday. I like to make lists for the week ahead and do some vague planning. It's always a bit looser during the holidays. I caught up on some reading, chatted to the boy, lit the fire, cooked dinner - that sort of thing.

I still have the kitchen to clear up, so I'll go and do that now, before book and bed.

Wednesday 12th Ocotber 2022

Couple of days catching up on things before the school holidays next week. The weather hasn’t been good, so I’ve been unable to get washing out, or much gardening done. I have wildflower seed to put down in the new meadow area, and I really want to get that sown this week, but it looks like I will need to dash out between heavy rain showers. Everything is so wet right now.

I had to rip out my pediment jumper. I was getting on so well with it too, but I finally realised that I had twisted it when I joined in the round. I had kind of suspected it, but always managed to convince myself that it was fine - it wasn’t. I’ll leave it until the weekend now, as I’m a bit cross with it. However, I am working on new socks with some lovely natural hand dyed wool I bought in Canada, and they are skipping along nicely.

I feel that I had a few things to write about, but they elude me at the moment. I’ve just been at a community meeting on zoom, and my head is full of the business from that. Thankfully it wasn’t too long, so the minutes will be quick to type up. I have a few emails to send in the morning, but nothing too onerous.

So that’s really it for now. Into town tomorrow morning - the boy has a dental appointment, and I will take the chance to go to the fishmongers and see what’s nice in there. Dinner tonight was a mixed grill.

I’m looking forward to the schools being off - I like not setting the alarm. We’re not planning to go anywhere - maybe a day here and there, but mostly home. There’s always something to do.

Sunday 9th October 2022

Sunday night already. The week has flown past. Not much really happened - the weather was cold, wet and windy. I feel as if we have gone from March straight to November. Hopefully some calm sunny Autummal days will come along.

My Internet has been excruciatingly slow too - there is a fault on the line, so I haven't been online much either.

The week was busy. I had a few appointments and meetings. The chimney sweep came, so we can have the fire on in the evenings again. The dog went to the groomers, and there was the usual round of shopping and gym. Meeting minutes and admin to be done for my committees, as well as attending an event on Saturday morning.

I'm almost finished my book and have been plodding away at my knitting. I'm going to cast on some socks tonight, while watching the Young Musician of the Year. I always like to have a pair on the go.

Full Hunter's Moon tonight - watch out.

Monday 3rd October 2022

There was a forecast of heavy rain this afternoon, so after a quick tidy round, I went out into the garden this morning. I could have done more grass raking, but felt like a change, so decided to work in the flower beds. I had a few herbaceous plants that have been sitting in pots since July, and really needed to be in the ground. I knew where I wanted the lupins and everlasting sweet peas, so they were easily dealt with, but the two large hydrangea were harder to place.

I eventually found somewhere I hope they will be happy in - and I can see them from the kitchen window. I love hydrangea but never seem to have had much luck with them here. They do grow well in other gardens, so I'm obviously doing something wrong. I've nestled them in with half a bag of ericaceous compost each, so fingers crossed.

The rain came on just before noon, so I came in for lunch then just pottered around ineffectively until school pickup.

Watched the Chancellor's speech - unimpressed. I think they are just making it up as they go. It's a worrying time.

Dinner was a repeat of yesterday (roast beef) but I did some mashed potatoes instead.

I cast on a new project - or rather re-cast on one I starter earlier in the year but ripped out. I decided I wanted to make it in a size up so I can wear it as a top layer. It's the Pediment jumper, on Ravelry, and I'm knitting it in a dark blue shade.

Not much on TV, so early to bed to hopefully make a dent in my book. It's very good.